Friday, November 30, 2012

Tech Website

To access all tech resources in last post, simply go to:

Resources for Celebrating Student Work

Favorite Resources

This lists the most visited posts to appear on Free Technology for Teachers. This list is current as of July 1, 2011.

This list is based on my personal selections for favorite resources. The numbers assigned do not reflect their relative value. The numbers reflect only the order in which they came to mind and wrote them down on June 26, 2012

10. Aviary







Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Next FAMS Grant Meeting Dec 5th Webinar then Dec 11th

Just a quick reminder that we will NOT meet next Tuesday after school instead we will be meeting Wednesday in Mrs. Stolly's room to participate in a webinar. Mrs. Petty is looking into subs for the teachers who have class or duties 9th period. All teachers who do not have students 9th period are expected be there. We will resume our regular meeting time December 11th at 2:40 promptly. Please make sure that you have read the handouts provided to you by Cher prior to our Dec. 11th meeting. until then, Happy Formative Assessing

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Reading before the next FAMS (Tuesday afternoon MTG.)

Please Read the following Dylan Wiliam Embedded Formative Assessment chapter 3 Clarifying, Sharing, and Understanding Learning Intentions and Success Criteria page 51 thru 69

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Module 2

I have almost finished with module 2 so I thought I would go ahead and start the discussion.  In her email, Cher questioned our process for deconstructing the standards.  I'm not sure about Language Arts, but for math, we haven't really gone through that process at all.  At my old school, we went through the standards and just decided the order that we would teach them - the creation of learning targets was done on an individual (teacher) basis.  For the common core, someone I know at another school gave me their pacing guide which did this type of decontrustion.  They had the pacing guide layout in terms of order of standards taught and then under each standard they broke down the learning targets that will be used in order to successfully teach the standard.  I really like how they did that, and hope to modify/create our own when we start teaching the Common Core next year.