Friday, November 30, 2012

Tech Website

To access all tech resources in last post, simply go to:


  1. I used a "move forward ticket" much like the exit ticket as one of my formative assessments this week. I liked using this ticket because the students felt urgent about learning the material and then getting to "move forward" to the next piece of information in math to complete the problem and eventually complete the assignment. This did not take long and I could individually check each students work, give them immediate feedback and the student could continue working. The students even made this competitive, which I reassured them getting done "fast" would not help them learn the material better than their neighbor!

  2. Thanks Julie. I think what you are saying is that you used a "ticket" with the student work on it so you could then check the work to make sure the student understood the lesson. If so, the student was ready for the next lesson. If not, you could give the student feedback on the spot so he/she could continue working toward understanding. Not only could you check for understanding--your students were motivated to work. Thus, the "move forward ticket" is born!!
