Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Next FAMS Grant Meeting Dec 5th Webinar then Dec 11th

Just a quick reminder that we will NOT meet next Tuesday after school instead we will be meeting Wednesday in Mrs. Stolly's room to participate in a webinar. Mrs. Petty is looking into subs for the teachers who have class or duties 9th period. All teachers who do not have students 9th period are expected be there. We will resume our regular meeting time December 11th at 2:40 promptly. Please make sure that you have read the handouts provided to you by Cher prior to our Dec. 11th meeting. until then, Happy Formative Assessing

1 comment:

  1. I realized that first we must set specific learning goals and the success criteria. Then, we as teachers decide what students are going to do to demonstrate this. I,also, realized that I work way too hard and I need to make the student a more active participant in this process.
