Friday, February 8, 2013

Carmen Lacy

April Jackson and Carmen Lacy
STANDARD(S):     (8.L.2a and b) Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
a.    Use punctuation (comma, ellipsis, dash) to indicate a pause or a break.
b.    Use an ellipsis to indicate an omission.

Based on the NOUNS/NOUN PHRASES  – What KEY CONCEPTS must students KNOW?

-standard English

VOCABULARY we should standardize and use across classrooms: 
Based on the VERBS – What do students need to DO?   SKILLS

Identifying the types of skills in the standard(s) will shape the types of learning targets written.  Please identify all necessary skills under the appropriate categories. 
These will ultimately become “I Can…” statements, so please write them in student-friendly language.

What must students know in order to master this standard?    How are students using knowledge to solve a problem, make a decision, form a plan, etc.?    What must students be able to do?  How are they using knowledge and reasoning to perform a task?    What are students asked to produce or create?

I can identify…
I can use commas, ellipsis, and dashes to create pauses in my writing

I can determine when to use an ellipsis, dash or comma.

I can determine when to use and ellipsis to indicate an omission.       

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